Priddy Ugly’s dad was a cool dad back in the day and he appreciates him 65

Priddy Ugly who is one of the few talented rappers and trappers who controls the rap game in South Africa just shared a photo of himself with his dad back in the day when he was just a kid.

His dad got style as you can tell from the picture he shared on his gram. He looks like he was a cool dad and Priddy Ugly real name Ricardo Moloi is lucky to have him as a dad as he took his time to give him props for being the best dad any son would have asked for today being Fathers day.

“A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be.” Priddy Ugly said in part how fathers want their son to win in life and whatever they choose to do. “My father always believed in me, he pushed me to be the best I can be, he pushed me to be better than he could be. The lessons he taught were never understood as a youth, now as a man, I fully understand, and I’m grateful to be made in his image,” he added and stressed how his father always believed in him and wanted him to be the best he can be and how many lessons he taught him.

He went on to wish his father a Happy Father’s Day.



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