Young M.A who is in the country for the Castle Lite’s Hip Hop Herstory which is a campaign set to celebrate women in music pushing the envelope and being a musical force in the music industry, especially in hip-hop, in short, it praises the evolution of women in music.
The show will see Young M.A perform at the Gallagher Convention Centre which is a convention center in Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa and is the seat of the Pan-African Parliament.
Young M.A confirmed this attendance to the coveted show a few days ago enthusiastically on the gram since it is her very first time coming to Africa.
The American rapper who is known for numerous hits like Ooo UUU which catapulted her into the mainstream hip-hop scene, Praktice, Car Confessions, PettyWap, Walk, Eat and her recent hit Wahlinn that is just three days old and already catching on the streets and everywhere in the world.
Young M.A is a musical force everywhere on earth and she is happy she’s in Africa for the very first time and she’s enjoying every single minute of it.
Catch her tonight at the Castle Lite’s Hip Hop Herstory at Gallagher Convention Center in Johannesburg