HHP’s partner and publicist, Lerato Sengadi wrote a letter she wrote exclusively to her late husband, HHP on his memorial at Baseline in Newtown on Tuesday afternoon which was
attended by the music industry heavyweights who came to give their respects on the hip-hop’s legend Hip Hop Pantsula.
Lera Sengadi’s emotional letter to her life-long partner, HHP read;
I’ve lost a husband, my best friend, my road dog, my comedian, my selector, my favourite artist, my scrabble mate, the love of my life. Motho wa ka.
I loved you when you didn’t love yourself, I loved you when you thought you didn’t deserve to be loved. I loved you when others thought you were unloveable. I loved you when others were scared to love you.
I fought for you even when I had to be a one-woman army against so many that tried to tarnish your name. I loved you through happiness and pain, highs and lows, darkness and light, fear and pride. I find solace in knowing that even in your very, very last breath you knew that.
You were so easy to love that even when you thought it was difficult it wasn’t.
You were and will always be one of the kindest, most selfless and undeniably loving people that God has ever put on this earth.
And your gift of healing through art is undeniable. There will never be another.
I thank God every single day that he chose me to share some of the happiest days of your life. People go through life without finding their soulmates and we found each other….What a blessing.

Lerato Sengadi with her partner HHP. Source: @leratolicious1/Instagram
Our love is one written about in novels, sung about in songs, acted about in movies; it is a love that people can only dream about. I know for sure that God does not make mistakes
I will be as strong for you now and continue to protect you and your legacy in death like I did when you were alive. You know I am a fighter who will stop at nothing to do what is right for you.
There will still be so much said, so much done but I will take those lashings with the grace and the integrity of the warrior queen you chose to share the throne with.
I will not cower, they will not break me. I know you wouldn’t expect any less of me. Because when your worst fear happens and it has….then fear is no longer a factor.
I move with God, a loving family, an army of brothers and sisters and wena dloz’ lam Jabulani Tsambo.
To those who waited for such occasions to give him flowers, here you go.
But to those who celebrated the legend, the icon, the genius, the pioneer and all-round phenomenal human being while he was alive; thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.
To those who were there when many turned a blind eye and stood and fought side by side with me I am eternally indebted to you. To those who have been pillars of strength and praying for us, I am so grateful. Please don’t stop because the road ahead is about to be wild and it is long and we have to stay equipped. Thank you
To the millions of lives he touched, careers he inspired and most importantly his beloved ‘fancestors’…it is well.
Flabba, Zondi, Pro, Jabba…heaven is lit right now. The pain is gone now my king. Rest motho wa ka. I know you will come visit me in my dreams often, I know you will never leave me, you never have. I will see you next lifetime but for now aluta continua.